Pierre Beauchamp
President/Founder of Mindroom Peak Sport Performance, Canada
Title: The Mindroom Program: Effects of Self-regulation Training on Professional & Olympic Athletes Recovery from Intense Workloads
Biography: Pierre Beauchamp
An athletes’s ability to sustain executive function and performance under pressure in highly stressful conditions are critical to performance success. Previous research with pilots (Lehrer, et al., 2004) and Olympic athletes (Bablioni, et al, 2011; Beauchamp, et al., 2012; Blumenstein, Bar-Eli, & Tenenbaum, 1995;Davis et al., 2007; Robazza, Pellizzari & Hanin, 2004; Dupee, Werthner, & Forneris, 2015) have shown to influence successful performance under pressure in sport. Self-regulation “encompasses any efforts by the human self to alter any of its own inner states or responses†(Vohs & Baumeister, 2004) such as one’s behaviors, thoughts, emotions, impulses, physiological responses, task performances, and attentional resources. Here we report self-regulation programs utilizing psychophysiological measures that have been shown to be effective in intervention for both Olympic and Professional athletes. rnIn addition, appropriate load monitoring of physiological measures such as Heart rate Variability (HRV), Respiration & Heart rates, skin conductance, skin temperature and muscle tension can aid in determining whether the athlete is adapting or maladapting to the training program.rnThe Mindroom HRV Self-regulation program approach (1) Assessment, 2) Education, 3) Training, 4) Simulation, 5) Evaluation) will be outlined with data from professional athletes demonstrating the programs efficacy. This monitoring would minimize the risk of developing non-functional overreaching, over trained, and fatigued athletes due to poor self-regulation, stress, illness or injury. Consequently, self-regulation interventions with athletes that assess physiological readiness biomarkers would be of critical importance. Implications for implementing a multidimensional self-regulation program for peak performance, executive function and resiliency will be discussed.rn