Steve Middleton
Director of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at Assess, Illinois, USA
Title: Facial Movement Pattering
Biography: Steve Middleton
Injuries can occur in many different settings, from acute injuries on the playing field to overuse injuries in the office. People rarely seek immediate treatment feeling that the pain will “go away on its own”. However, what tends to happen is the body adapts to the injured area but creates distal or systemic dysfunctions in the process. This makes the diagnosis more difficult as the person has symptoms that brought them in but an underlying, unresolved injury that may or may not be symptomatic. Regardless of the situation, patients want to return to their normal activities as quickly and pain-free as possible. Fascial Movement Patterning is based on the works of Thomas Myers ("Anatomy Trains"). This system will address the paradigm shift from joint-centric dysfunction and rehabilitation to a systemically-focused assessment program. Attendees will be able to identify common compensation techniques and how they lead to further dysfunction. Attendees will then learn quick, global screening techniques to identify the cause of dysfunction regardless of where pain manifests. The dysfunctional movement patterns will then be analyzed from the more traditional joint-centric view to allow for objective data collection.